时间:2008/10/28-2008/11/8 |
地区:山东青岛 来源: |
主办机构:中华人民共和国文化部 |
地点: |
一、 总则 第二届中国国际小提琴比赛将于2008年10月28日至11月8日在青岛举行,由中华人民共和国文化部主办,比赛组织委员会主持全部赛事。 比赛评委会由国际知名音乐家组成。评委会对各轮比赛的评定为本比赛不可改变的最后决定。评委会有权决定不授予某名次奖项及授予特别奖。 参赛者不限国籍,凡在1978年10月1日以后至1992年10月28日以前出生者,均可报名参加。 比赛分三轮进行。第一、二轮为淘汰赛,6名选手进入决赛。各轮比赛均向听众公开演奏。比赛组委会全权负责组织比赛期间的电台、电视报道、转播及录音、录像、获奖选手音乐会和其它相关活动,所有音像制品的版权属于比赛组委会,不向选手另付报酬。获奖选手有义务参加获奖音乐会的演出。 二、报名及参赛有关事项 1.填写报名表(附后),附交所要求材料,于即日起至2008年6月30日截止,以邮递(邮戳日期为准)或送交方式向比赛组委会报名,并随时向组委会索取中国乐曲曲谱。 随同报名需附以下材料: 近期半身照片三张(4X5cm),另黑白演出照片两张(8X10cm,适合印刷用)。本人身份证或护照复印件。 本人艺术简历和接受专业教育的毕业证书(复印件)或在学证明书及两位着名音乐家的推荐函。无专业学历者,需提交两位着名音乐家的推荐函。 由本人签字及两位音乐家签名证明属实的近期演奏录音(CD、MD或录音磁带)一张(盒)。曲目要求: 1)巴赫:柔板与赋格(选自无伴奏奏鸣曲第1首,g小调)或缓板与赋格(选自无伴奏奏鸣曲第2首,a小调) 2)帕格尼尼:随想曲1首(不得与第一轮比赛曲目相同) 3)无伴奏奏鸣曲(选自下列曲目之一首): 巴托克:恰空速度 伊萨伊:第3首,第6首 请将报名材料寄往以下地址: 中国国际小提琴比赛组委会 中国青岛大学路7号 邮编:266003 电话:0086-532-82867280 传真:0086-532-82861697 电子邮箱:qdviolin@126.com 网站:www.qdviolin.cn 申请材料恕不退还。 2.比赛组委会根据报名材料进行预选,以确定报名者的参赛资格,并将结果于2008年7月20日以前以传真、电子邮件或邮递方式通知报名者。报名者接到本组委会承认参赛资格以后,应于2008年8月10日之前(以汇款日期为准)电汇或邮汇80美元(居住在大陆的中国公民按外汇比价付人民币)报名费至下列银行: 开户银行:中国工商银行青岛市市南支行 账号:3803021009008951684 户名:青岛市文化局 报名费均不退还。 3. 比赛组委会收到报名费后,将于2008年8月25日之前通知参赛者确认其参赛资格。 4. 参赛本人应于2008年10月26至27日来青岛比赛组委会指定地点报到。 5. 参赛者出场顺序由抽签决定,此顺序延续至决赛。因故缺席的选手将由组委会代为抽签。 6. 全部比赛曲目需背谱演奏;第二轮的奏鸣曲可看谱,也可背谱。 全部乐曲均不需反复,第二轮奏鸣曲中的"谐谑曲"除外。 7. 选手需按报名表中曲目演奏,不得临时更改。 8. 组委会将为选手提供钢琴伴奏,免费排练一次,如增加次数需另计费。选手也可自带伴奏,费用自理。 9. 对参赛选手的旅费及食宿规定如下: 凡本比赛组委会承认参赛资格的,来自欧洲、美洲、澳洲、非洲各国的选手可得到本比赛组委会500美元的旅费补贴;来自亚洲各国及台湾地区和香港、澳门特别行政区的选手可得到250美元的旅费补贴;各参赛选手在比赛前两天(10月26日)起至比赛结束(11月8日)的食宿费按下列规定由比赛组委会负担: 参加第一轮者:至第一轮结束翌日上午 参加第二轮者:至第二轮结束后翌日上午 参加决赛者:至颁奖典礼结束翌日上午 参赛选手陪同者的旅费、食宿交通费一律自理。比赛期间的食宿可委托比赛组委会代为安排,食宿限于比赛组委会指定的饭店或旅馆。 附:报名表填写不清或所附材料不齐全者视为无效。选手应自行备份所寄申请材料。比赛组委会为选手材料保密,对丢失材料不承担责任,并有权要求选手补充材料。 第二届中国国际小提琴比赛(青岛)评委名单 评委会主席: 林耀基(中国) 评委: 迈克·富里申施拉格(奥地利) 川崎雅夫(日本/美国) 金旻(韩国) 谢尔盖·克拉夫琴科(俄罗斯) 奥列格·克里沙(俄罗斯/美国) 莱纳·库斯莫(德国) 格奥吉·波克(匈牙利/英国) 艾杜瓦多·史密德(美国) 盛中国(中国) 俞丽拿(中国) (以姓氏拼音字母顺序排列) 三、获奖名次及奖金数额 第一名 30,000美元 奖牌 奖状 第二名 18,000美元 奖牌 奖状 第三名 12,000美元 奖牌 奖状 第四名 8,000美元 奖状 第五名 6,000美元 奖状 第六名 5,000美元 奖状 中国作品优秀演奏奖 1,000美元 奖状 特别奖数项 1,000美元 奖状 四、比赛曲目 第一轮 1. 选自下列巴赫无伴奏奏鸣曲一首: 柔板与赋格,第1首,g小调 BWV 1001 缓板与赋格,第2首,a小调 BWV 1003 2. 帕格尼尼:随想曲1首 3. 选自下列无伴奏奏鸣曲之一首: 巴托克:恰空速度 伊萨伊:第3首,第6首 第二轮 1. 选自下列作曲家的小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲一首: 贝多芬(第9首除外)、勃拉姆斯、福列 作品第13号、弗兰克、格里格 作品第13号、普罗科菲耶夫 作品第94号、圣-桑 作品第75号、舒曼 作品第105号、施特劳斯 作品第18号。 2. 选自下列作曲家的炫技性乐曲一首: 巴吉尼、胡鲍伊、帕格尼尼、拉威尔、圣-桑、萨拉萨蒂、席曼诺夫斯基、瓦克斯曼、维尼亚夫斯基。 3. 中国乐曲: 马思聪:第一回旋曲 4. 参赛者本国乐曲一首(1970年以后创作的独奏小提琴或带有钢琴伴奏的10分钟之内的乐曲)。此乐谱需在报名时寄组委会。 决赛 乐队协奏 1.莫扎特协奏曲No.1 或No.2(第一乐章之华彩参赛者自选) 2.选自下列作曲家的协奏曲一首:按照字母顺序 巴托克No.2、贝多芬、勃拉姆斯、肖斯塔科维其 No.1、西贝柳斯、柴科夫斯基。 第二届中国国际小提琴比赛(青岛)报名表 姓名 性别 男 □ 女□ 出生日期 年 □□□□ 月□□ 日□□ 国籍 地址 电话/传真 电子邮箱 身份或职业 使用语言 是否需要组委会提供住处 是□ 否□ 有无陪同人员 是□ 否□ 是否需要为陪同人员预定住处(自费) 是□ 否□ 男□ 女□ 姓名 是否需要为钢琴伴奏预定住处(自费) 是□ 否□ 男□ 女□ 姓名 陪同人员、钢琴伴奏是否要与选手同住 是□ 否□ 注:组委会只负责为境外选手的同行人员预定住处。 报名参赛曲目 录音预选曲目(CD 、MD或录音磁带) 1.巴赫: 2.帕格尼尼: 3.无伴奏奏鸣曲: 第一轮 1.巴赫: 2.帕格尼尼: 3.无伴奏奏鸣曲: 第二轮 1.小提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲 2.炫技性乐曲 3.中国乐曲 4.本国乐曲 总时间: 决赛 1. 莫扎特协奏曲: 2. 协奏曲: 我申请参加第二届中国国际小提琴比赛(青岛),并按照比赛的各项规则参加比赛。 签名 日期 The 2nd China International Violin Competition(Qingdao) General Rules The 2nd China International Violin Competition (Qingdao) will be held from October 28 to November 8, 2008 in Qingdao, China. The competition is organized by the Ministry of Culture of the People''s Republic of China and conducted by the Competition Organizing Committee. The jury panel is composed of eminent musicians of high international status. Decisions of all stages of the competition made by the jury panel are final. The jury panel preserves the right to not award some prizes and in the meantime award some special prizes to the competitors. The competition is open to violinists of all nationalities born before October 28, 1992 and after October 1, 1978. The competition consists of three separate rounds. The first two rounds are eliminatory. Six competitors will enter the final round. The performance during the competition shall be made available to the public. The Organizing Committee organizes performances related to the competition and reserves the right to report, broadcast on radio and television, record and videotape all rounds of competition. The copyrights of all the audio-visual products belong to the Competition Organizing Committee and no payment will be given to the competitors for said performances of recording. The prizewinners are obliged to perform at a Gala Concert. Rules for the Application and Participation 1. The printed Application Form must be clearly filled in (see attached form). It should be, with the necessary enclosure, mailed or directly sent to the Competition Organizing Committee, postmarked no later than June 30, 2008. The competitors could ask for a copy of Chinese work from Organizing Committee at any time. The following enclosures should be attached to each Application Form: Three recent half-length photos (4x5cm) and two black and white glossy photographs (8x10 cm) suitable for performance publicity purpose. A Xerox copy of the applicant''s ID card or a passport. The resume and the graduation certification (Xerox copy) or a student certification and recommendation letters from two well-known musicians. Those who have no academic certifications must provide recommendation letters of two well-known musicians Recording of applicant''s recent performance (in a format of CD, MD or cassette tape) signed by the applicant and certified by two another musicians, with the following repertoire: 1) One of the following Sonatas for Solo Violin by Bach: Adagio and Fugue from BWV 1001, G minor Grave and Fugue from BWV 1003, A minor 2) One Caprice by Paganini (must be different from the First Round). 3) One of the following Sonatas for Solo Violin: Bartók Tempo di Ciaccona Ysa?e No. 3, No. 6 Mailing Address: China International Violin Competition Organizing Committee 7 Da Xue Road Qingdao People''s Republic of China Post code: 266003 Tel: +86-532-82867280 Fax: +86-532-82861697 Email: qdviolin@126.com Website: www.qdviolin.cn *No documents will be returned. 2. The Competition Organizing Committee will, on the basis of documents provided by the applicants, make a preliminary screening audition and decide the admission of the competitors. The successful applicants will be notified of the results by fax or mail before July 20, 2008. On receipt of the acknowledgement of participation, the applicant should remit an application fee of USD 80 by money order or check before August 10, 2008 (according to postmark). Chinese citizens living in mainland will pay the equivalent amount of RMB on the day of exchange rate. Remittance should be addressed to: BANK: Qingdao Branch, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Account: 3803021009008951684 Name: Qingdao Culture Bureau *The application fee is not refundable. 3. Upon receipt of the application fee, the Competition Organizing Committee will confirm to the applicant participation for the competition before August 25, 2008. 4. Competitors should arrive in Qingdao on October 26 or 27 and register at the assigned venue. 5. The order of playing in the competition will be decided by drawing lots by the competitors before the First Round starts, and the order shall be maintained until the end of the Final Round. If any competitor cannot present at the time of drawing for a certain reason, a member of the Organizing Committee will draw the lottery for him or her. 6. All repertoires will be played by memory, except the sonata at the Second Round, which can be performed either with or without scores. All repertoires should be played without repetition except the scherzo in sonata at Second Round. 7. All candidates shall play the program according to the application form. Program may not be changed temporally. 8. The Organizing Committee will provide competitor an official piano accompanist at no extra cost for one time. Additional fee will be charged if competitor needs more rehearsals with the piano accompanist. Competitors may also bring their piano accompanist at their own expenses. 9. Rules for traveling and accommodation Each competitor will be responsible for his or her own travel expenses to and from Qingdao. A travel allowance of USD 500 will be given to the competitors from Europe, America, Australia and Africa; USD 250 to the competitors from Asian countries, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions; Accommodation and meals for all competitors will be covered by the Competition Organizing Committee from October 26 to November 8, 2008 according to the following circumstances: Competitors who do not enter the Second Round will be hosted until the next morning after the First Round. Competitors who do not enter the Final Round will be hosted until the next morning after the Second Round. Finalist will be hosted until the next morning after the Award Ceremony and Gala Concert. The persons accompanying the competitor will be responsible for their own travel expenses, hotel and meals. The organizing committee could reserve accommodation for them by their requests but only in the hotel specified by the Organizing Committee. The Competition Organizing Committee accepts no responsibility for lost documents and reserves the right to request additional information from applicants. Jury LIN Yaoji (China) Chairman (In Alphabetical order) Michael FRISCHENSCHLAGER (Austria) Masao KAWASAKI(Japan/America) Min KIM(Korea) Sergey KRAVCHENKO(Russia) Oleg KRYSA(Russia/America) Rainer KUSSMAUL(Germany) Gyorgy PAUK(Hungary/Britan) Eduard SCHMIEDER(America) SHENG Zhongguo (China) YU Lina (China) PRIZES First Prize USD30, 000 medal diploma Second Prize USD18, 000 medal diploma Third Prize USD 12,000 medal diploma Fourth Prize USD 8, 000 diploma Fifth Prize USD 6,000 diploma Sixth Prize USD 5,000 diploma Prize for the Best Performance of Chinese Work USD1,000 diploma Special Prizes USD 1,000 diploma The copy of Chinese work is also available from Internet. Competitors can download the sheet of music from the website: www.qdviolin.cn Repertoire List First Round 1. One of the following Sonatas for Solo violin by Bach: Adagio and Fugue from BWV 1001, G minor Grave and Fugue from BWV 1003, A minor 2. One Caprice by Paganini 3. One of the following Sonatas for Solo Violin: Bartók Tempo di Ciaccona Ysa?e No. 3, No. 6 Second Round 1. One of the Sonatas for Violin and Piano by following composers: Beethoven (except Op. 9), Brahms, Fauré Op. 13, Franck, Grieg Op. 13, Prokofiev Op. 94, Saint-Sa?ns Op. 75, R. Schumann Op. 105, R. Strauss Op. 18. 2. A virtuoso piece chosen among the following composers: Bazzini, Hubay, Paganini, Ravel, Saint-Sa?ns, Sarasate, Szymanowski, Waxman, Wieniawski. 3. Chinese work Ma Sicong Rondo No. 1 4. One of competitor''s native violin pieces for solo violin or with piano accompaniment not more than 10 minutes composed after 1970. The music score should be sent to the Organizing Committee with Application Form. The Final Round with orchestra 1. Mozart Violin Concerto No.1 or No 2 (the cadenza of the first movement is at the competitor''s own choice) 2. One concerto by any of the following composers arranged in alphabetical order Bartók No. 2, Beethoven, Brahms, Shostakovich No. 1, Sibelius, Tchaikovsky. |