白盒子艺术馆很荣幸地宣布“物的褶皱——王家增个展”将于2018年12月8 日开幕,本次展览由汪民安担任学术主持。此次是白盒子艺术馆与艺术家王家增的首次个展合作,将呈现王家增最新创作的十余件作品。
It is with great honor that the Whitebox Art Center hereby announces the openning of Wrinkles of Object – Solo Exhibition of Wang Jiazeng on December 8th 2018. The exhibition will be chaired academically by Wang Minan. It will be the debut cooperation between the Whitebox Art Center and Wang Jiazeng, the master artist, and over 10 of his masterpieces will be displayed in the gallery.
Wang Jiazeng’s works usually would theme on the industrial ruins in North China. He is skillful in representation of workers’ images, and elements like iron boxes and workshops are used as symbols to reveal the contemporary value of industrial abandons and wastes. Wang Jiazeng painted numerous human figures being wrapped up by iron sheets, who are surrounded by the metal in the likes of people being jailed. These individuals are not facially visible and are marked by codes. The upcoming exhibition will present his new works that will differ from the past patterns. What is new about the new exhibits is that they are presented like devices made of iron boards and steel plates. The artist shakes off from his conventional way of repeated layers of paints to outline the architectures and the space they carry, and he adopts simplified forms of art that will be hung on the walls.
The artists collected various abandoned metal materials, - aluminum and iron – and shaped them into wrinkled objects by continuous hammer-strikes, welding, grinding, a sense of dignity and gravity is therefore presented after the surface of the metals being made full of wrinkles and folds in a irregular way. Different from printmaking, oil-paintings present squeezed patterns and such haggard appearance adds to the sense of gravity. To Wang Jiazeng, iron, as a metal, is the very basis of industrialism, and it enslaves human in the industrial age. Iron is interpreted by Wang Jiazeng, ironically, as the symbol of industry and modern world. The metals have philosophic implication in them – humans are manipulating and manipulated by metal; humans harms and are harmed by metal. That the relation between humans and metals are mutual-twisting and tangled together is the law of the industrial age.
Wang Jiazeng’s new works goes beyond the narration of history. By establishing a metaphoric relation between the wrinkles and the audience, he tries to present an omnipresent heaviness on the viewers, in a seeming way that the viewer are personally under the pressure of such weight. Wang Jiazeng endows the works the meaning that the weight can not only be felt by human, but humans will be shocked by observing the weight falling on objects. Thus the audience will be brought into the reflection on the relation between rights and objects.
The Whitebox’s showrooms serve as enclosed space, on their walls hung the works of the artist. The exhibits are either tied up with steel boards or encased in metal boxes and they are coded as prisoners. In a limited space the works constitute an image of ‘Revenge”.

王家增简历 1963年 出生于辽宁省沈阳市 1992年 毕业于鲁迅美术学院版画系 1993年 中央美术学院油画技法研修班 1992至2011年 任教于鲁迅美术学院 教授 现任教于中国人民大学艺术学院 教授 绘画系主任 中国美术家协会会员
个展: 2018年4月《无名之地》 筑中美术馆/北京 2017年6月《无名之地》 上海半岛美术馆/上海 2016年4月《城迹》 中国产业金融博物馆/沈阳 2015年4月 《王家增作品展》 悦美术馆/北京 2015年2月 《城迹》王家增作品展 中国金融博物馆/北京 2014年8月 《工业印痕》 高士画廊/台北 2014年4月《工业日记——王家增油画展》 济南美术馆/济南 2012年11月 王家增作品展 爱慕美术馆/北京 2012年3月 《喧嚣中的静默》王家增作品展 悦美术馆/北京 2011年9月 王家增纸本作品展 韵画廊/北京 2011年3月 《原色》王家增油画展 今日美术馆/北京 2010年5月王家增版画作品展上海敦煌艺术中心/上海 2009年3月 《存在》王家增油画展 今日美术馆/北京 2009年3月 王家增纸上作品展 XYZ画廊/北京 2008年8月 《向生活致敬》 王家增油画展 800号美术馆/上海 2008年7月 王家增版画展 XYZ画廊/北京 2008年7月 《难以释怀的空间》王家增油画展 威诺里萨画廊/北京 2008年3月 《 盒子中的人》王家增油画作品展 高地画廊/北京 2002年3月 王家增作品展海上山艺展中心/上海
获奖: 中国鲁迅版画奖 中国第十四届版画展铜奖 中国第十五届版画展铜奖 中国第七届三版展银奖 中国第八届三版展银奖 中国第十七届版画展银奖
中国第十六届版画展优秀奖 中国高等院校版画年会展学院奖 中国第十九届版画展优秀奖
公共收藏: 60余件作品被英国大英博物馆、剑桥大学阿什莫林博物馆、杜塞尔多夫博物馆、中国美术馆、上海美术馆、广东美术馆、中央美术学院美术馆、中国版画博物馆北京今日美术馆、浙江美术馆、关山月美术馆及安徽、四川、贵州、青岛、辽宁、黑龙江等美术馆、虚苑美术馆收藏,
Resume of Wang Jiazeng Born in the city of Shenyang in 1963 1992 graduated from the Department of Printmaking Luxun Academy of Fine Arts. 1993 Postgraduate Program sponsored by Central Academy of Fine Arts in oilpainting techniques 1992 – 2012 professor of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, currently professor of Department of Paintings, School of Art Renmin University of China.
Solo Exhibitions 2018 “Spectres of Yesteryear”, an exhibition at Zhuzhong Art Museum Beijing June 2017 “ Anonymous Land” , an exhibition at Peninsula Art Gallery Shanghai May 2017 “Wang Jiazeng’s Paintings on Paper, an exhibition, Beijing April 2016 “Trace of A City” , an exhibition at China Enterprise Finance Museum, Shenyang August 2014 “Industrial Prints”, an exhibition at Taipei April 2014 “Industrial Diary – Wang Jiazeng’s Oil painting”, an exhibition at Jinan Art Museum, Jinan November 2012 “Wang Jiazeng’s Works”, an exhibition at Aimer Art Museum, Beijing March 2012 “Quietness amid Noise”, an exhibition at Joy Art Museum,Beijing September 2011 “Wang Jiazeng’s Paintings on Paper”, an exhibition at Yun Gallery, Beijing March 2011 “Primary Color”, an exhibition of oilpaintings at Today Art Museum, Beijing May 2010 “Wang Jiazeng’sPrintmakings”, an exhibition at Dunhuang Gallery, Shanghai March 2009 “Existence”, exhibition of Wang Jiazeng’s works, Joy Art Museum , Beijing March 2009 “Wang Jiazeng’s Works on Paper”, an exhibition at XYZ ArtGallery, Beijing August 2008 “Salute to Life”, Wang Jiazeng’s oilpaintings exhibition, 800 Art Gallery, Shanghai July 2008 “Wang Jizzeng’sPrintmakings”, XYZ Gallery, Beijing July 2008 “Hard to Relieve”, exhibition of oilpaintings, Beijing August 2008 “People in Boxes”, oilpaintings exhibition, Highland Gallery, Beijing March 2002 “Exhibition of Wang Jiazeng’s Works”, Art Center, Shanghai
Prize-winning Record Luxun Printmaking Prize Bronze of 14th National Printmaking Exhibition of China Bronze of 15th National Printmaking Exhibition of China Silver of 7th Printmaking Exhibition Silver of 8th Printmaking Exhibition Silver of 17th Printmaking Exhibition Prize of Excellence of 16th National Printmaking Exhibition Academy Award of Art Academies of China Exhibition Prize of Excellence of 19thNational Printmaking Exhibition
Public Collections Over 60 paintings have been collected by The British Museum,Ashmolean Museum,Dusseldorf Museum, China Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum, Guangdong Art Museum, CAFA Art Museum, China Print Art Museum, Beijing Today Art Museum, Zhejiang Art Museum Guan Shanyue Art Museum and museums in Anhui, Sichuan, Guizhou, Qingdao, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shenzhen . Publications “Chinese Artist Today – Wang Jiazeng”, “Collection of Wang Jiazeng’s Works” ,“Wang Jiazeng’s Copper Plate” |