Established in 2004,Today International Art Gallery consists of three exhibition halls: A, B and C, covering totally 2,000 sq m. With the academic instruction from Today Art Museum, it devotes itself into pushing the healthy development of the contemporary art and stricktly obeys the international representing works from famous contemporary artists at home and abroad in accordance with international conventions, as well as constantly supporting and looking for new art talent, further pushing the healthy development of domestic and overseas collections market and domestic artworks market.
Artists represented: Tang Shi, Zhou Song, Haiyang,Chen Liangjie, Zhang Donghong, Lv Shun, Jing Yuchao, Francois Bossiere, He Jianguo, Liu Xiuming etc.

方索(Francois Bossiere) 棉絮般的 布面油画 73x92cm 2007 周松 脏花 布面油画 65x110cm 2006

唐诗 台风 No.1 布面油画 190x143 2006 海洋色粉作品
刘秀鸣 断裂的虹 有色卡纸 100x80 2006
地址/Add:北京市朝阳区百子湾路32号苹果社区4号楼今日美术馆一层 Building 4,No.32 Baiziwan Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing,100022 电话/Tel:8610-58769392 网址://www.belairimmo.com 电邮/E-mail:todayart@gmail.com 联系人:刘增银 |